Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Apocalypse Survival

Face it.  We all know that someday, it’s going to happen.  You know what I’m talking about.  That’s right, the zombie apocalypse.  We need to be prepared for when it comes, or else all of our brains will be doomed to be the dinner for zombies forever.  What you need to do first is build a stronghold.   Location-wise, you really have two general choices.  You can build an underground one, which will be hidden from the zombies’ sight.  However, you run the risk of dead bodies being that may have been buried in that area turning into zombies and discovering your hideout, which brings me to your next choice.  You could build a stronghold that’s up in the sky standing on stilts with one elevator entrance.  This way there won’t be any dead bodies near your stronghold, but there still is a risk. The stronghold is in plain sight, and you never know what zombies are capable of.  I personally am going with the underground option.
Your next step is storing weapons.  Your two most important weapons are a shotgun, and a crossbow.  The shotgun is very effective against zombies because the shot spreads out and gets more surface area on the zombie, tearing it apart limb by limb. Make sure you use the ammo sparingly, because finding more may not be so easy.  The crossbow is important because you can get long range shots and the ammunition is easily replaced.  Let’s face, it may not be so easy to get ammunition for an AK-47 in a world where zombies are trying to kill you.  Another essential to have is a blade of some sort. I recommend a machete or a longish knife. 
Step three is food.  Store a bunch of non-perishable items in your stronghold, such as soup, or freeze-dried food.  To have food is to survive, and to survive is to find a way to stop the apocalypse.  If we can’t find a way to stop the apocalypse, we will never survive forever.  Now, take this information that is more valuable than gold and prepare for the zombies to rise up. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


                 Hearing about 9/11, it must have been absolutely shocking and devastating.  It would be jarring to see planes crash into two skyscrapers.  Also, it’s sad about how many people died that day, especially the ones that gave their life to try and save others.  It’ll leave family’s that were affected by this tragic event scarred for a long time.  The people flying the plane into the twin towers thought that they were doing something honorable by doing what they did, but nothing is honorable about killing thousands of people at once.
                While I don’t agree with war, I think that going to Iraq after the events of 9/11 was a little necessary to show the terrorists that we won’t take their actions lightly so that they won’t try another attack again too soon.  I am also pleased with the amount of improvement in national security there has been since 9/11, like in airports.

Monday, September 10, 2012

10 Favorite songs

Song       Narrative Poem (yes or no)  Description(if yes)                
100 Years                                      Yes                        About the events of one’s life
                                                                                    through 100 years  
A Little Faster                                No 
Fallout                                            No
Handlebars                                     Yes                        Story of two good friends who
                                                                                      take two different paths in life
Some Nights                                  No
The Show Goes on                         No
Airplanes Part 2                               Yes                        About a rapper’s rise to
                                                                                      stardom and what his life might
                                                                                      be like if he wasn’t discovered
The Motions                                  No
We are Young                               No
Breakfast                                       No

Sunday, September 9, 2012

English Prompt #2

                It started shaking more and more until it exploded in a flash of light.  I awoke the next day in a hospital in Green Bay.  My body was filled with aches and pains, and I could hardly move at all.  When the doctor came in I asked him what happened.  He told be in the box was a mysterious device that had exploded and knocked out everyone in the school, and left them in the hospital.  He notified me that there were no serious injuries, but my teacher had mysteriously disappeared.  When my doctor left to attend to other patients, I turned on the news and it just so happened that this mysterious event had happened in many public areas all over America.  Like in my school, there were no serious injuries, but there still were thousands of people in the hospital.  Government officials the police and were baffled by this incident, but there were prime suspects.  It seemed that, like my teacher, the people who had been seen placing the boxes had disappeared.
                Most of my classmates and I were let out of the hospital later that day, all baffled by the strange incident. 
“What do you think the purpose of all that was?” My friend, Ian, asked me.

“I’m not sure.  Do you think it’s weird that everyone disappeared right after it though?” I replied.

“Yeah, it’s really weird.  Do you think it’s just a freak thing, or do you think that something more malevolent is at hand?”

“Well, considering that it seemed so organized, it would seem be malevolent, but no one was hurt so I don’t know what anyone would try to be accomplishing by doing this.”

                As we walked through the town thinking about our conversation, we noticed how empty the streets were with all the people in the hospital.  It was usually so lively out in the town.
                “Do you think all the people that disappeared are part of some evil organization bent on taking over the world?”  Ian suggested
                “Yeah, that seems really likely” I answered sarcastically.
                At that time, I had no idea how right he was.

Friday, September 7, 2012


This is my first post on Kordon Bleu’s blog and I am going to give you a slight biography about myself.  I emerged from my mother’s womb on December 12th, 1997, and through the course of my life good, bad, and strange things have happened to me.  On the fourth anniversary of my birth, I was given a great surprise of the gift of my first bike.  Life wasn’t all good though.  One day whilst going through an enchanted glen to get to my grandparents house, my brother and I were ambushed by a rather angry swarm of bees who gave me at least 10 stings in my back.  Now for an unusual moment in my life.  One day at a Harlem Globetrotters game, I was taken from my seat by the team’s mascot, Globie, who then took me to the team’s locker room.  Ready to soil my trousers, he asked me if I wanted to be “Little Globie”.  Quite frightened, I declined his offer.  This has been a short collection of stories from my life.